Champaign County law enforcement launch program to help communicate with special needs residents

Law enforcement agencies in Champaign County have partnered in a program to improve communication with residents with special needs.

The Urbana Police Department, in partnership with the Champaign County Sheriff’s Office, Mechanicsburg Police Department, North Lewisburg Police Department, St. Paris Police Department and the Champaign Countywide Communications Center, have introduced the SPOT (Special Population Operations Team) program.

The SPOT program will help to increase communication involving those with special needs.

Members of the law enforcement agencies met with representatives of the Champaign Countywide Communication Center and Champaign County Board of Developmental Disabilities to discuss the need for a program like SPOT.

“It was determined that the SPOT program could assist law enforcement officers in responding to Champaign County residences where an emergency was ongoing involving individuals with special needs,” according to law enforcement.

The program would provide first responders important information in advance to let them know they may be interacting with a person with special needs, and this may help them in how they interact or community with that particular person.

Special needs can include, but are not limited to, Alzheimer’s, autism, blindness, deafness, dementia and developmental disabilities.

To sign up for the program, a family member of the person with special needs should contact the law enforcement agency that serves where they live, and they will be given a registration form. Once the form is complete, it can be returned to the the agency, and that information will be given to the Champaign Countywide Communication Center to be provided any time an emergency response is needed for the person with special needs.

For questions about the SPOT registration form or program, contact your local Champaign County law enforcement agency or Urbana Police Lt. Josh Jacobs at or 937-652-4350.

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