Athlete of the Week Triad High School

Credit: Submitted Photo

Credit: Submitted Photo

Name: Emma Ferguson

School: Triad High School

Grade: 9th

Age: 14

Sports: Volleyball, Basketball, Softball, Powerlifting

Claim to fame/honors: 3rd place at Kenton Ridge powerlifting meet last year

Words you live by: “Championships aren’t won at games. They are won at practices.”

Toughest opponent: Myself

Biggest influence: My Dad

Game-day rituals: Listen to music.

What’s on your bedroom walls: My basketball jerseys from last year

When I’m bored I like to … lay outside

Favorite movie: The Greatest Showman

Person who would play you in a movie: Emma Watson

Favorite TV show: Criminal Minds

Favorite musical artist: Lewis Capaldi

Favorite book: Divergent

Favorite home-cooked meal: Salmon

Favorite restaurant: Fazoli’s

Whose mind would you like to read: Michael Jordan’s

Place where you’d love to travel: Hawaii

Talent you’d like to have: Singing

Favorite school subject: Math

Favorite athlete: LeBron James

Favorite team: Cavaliers

Something in the world I’d like to change: Everyone disagreeing so much

Favorite sports moment: Last year, when I got fouled on a 3 pointer and made the shot and made the free throw.

Favorite junk food: Goldfish

Best thing about your favorite sport: The energy that I feel on the court. The calmness it brings me.

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