Athlete of the Week Springfield High School

Name: Christian Narcelles

School: Springfield High School

Grade: 12

Age: 17

Sport: Swimming

Claim to fame/honors: seven-time YMCA National Championship Qualifier

Words you live by: work harder than last time

Toughest opponent: Calvin Wise

Biggest influence: Grandma Lola

Game-day rituals: stretch out, listen to music, and get pumped.

What’s on your bedroom walls: posters of Michael Phelps and Lebron James

When I’m bored I like to ... play the guitar and video games

Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption

Person who would play you in a movie: The Rock

Favorite TV show: Breaking Bad

Favorite musical artist: Juice WRLD

Favorite book: Brodeck’s Report

Favorite home-cooked meal: Chicken, broccoli, and rice

Favorite restaurant: Chick-fil-A

Whose mind would you like to read: Keanu Reeves

Place where you’d love to travel: Hawaii

Talent you’d like to have: handstand

Favorite school subject: Math

Favorite athlete: Adam Peaty

Favorite team: Buffalo Bills

Something in the world I’d like to change: world hunger

Favorite sports moment: getting my first national cut in the 200 Breast

Favorite junk food: Cheesecake

Best thing about your favorite sport: the team culture on SPY

About the Author