Athlete of the Week Southeastern High School

Name: Taylor Lewis

School: Southeastern High School

Grade: Senior

Age: 18

Sports: Volleyball and Softball

Claim to fame/honors: 2021 OHC South Softball Player of the Year, 2018 and 2020 Volleyball Coaches Awards, 1st Team OHC Softball, 2nd Team OHC Volleyball

Words you live by: You’re in charge of your own fun

Toughest opponent: myself

Biggest influence: my dad

Game-day rituals: listen to music

What’s on your bedroom walls: pictures of my friends and I

When I’m bored I like to … hang out with my friends

Favorite movie: The Miracle Season

Person who would play you in a movie: Olivia Holt

Favorite TV show: Friends

Favorite musical artist: Taylor Swift

Favorite book: Harry Potter

Favorite home-cooked meal: beef and noodles

Favorite restaurant: Cheesecake Factory

Whose mind would you like to read: my opponents

Place where you’d love to travel: Greece

Talent you’d like to have: ability to sing

Favorite school subject: Math

Favorite athlete: Haley Cruse

Favorite team: Ohio State Buckeyes

Something in the world I’d like to change: create more kindness

Favorite sports moment: winning Sectionals in volleyball my freshmen year

Favorite junk food: Brownies

Best thing about your favorite sport: the bonds and memories created with my amazing teammates.