Athlete of the Week Southeastern High School

Name: Lily Bertemes

School: Southeastern High School

Grade: 12

Age: 17

Sports: Cross Country, Basketball, Track

Claim to fame/honors: school record – 800m, 4x400m

Words you live by: “Errors are not in the art but in the artificers.” -Isaac Newton

Toughest opponent: myself

Biggest influence: Jake and Charlie Bertemes

Game-day rituals: listening to Power Trip by J. Cole

What’s on your bedroom walls: grade cards, Physics problems, Calculus jokes, paintings

When I’m bored I like to... play Fortnite

Favorite movie: Guardians of the Galaxy

Person who would play you in a movie: Zendaya

Favorite TV show: Avatar the last Airbender

Favorite musical artist: Khalid

Favorite book: The Laws of Physics

Favorite home-cooked meal: Tacos

Favorite restaurant: Los Mariachis

Whose mind would you like to read: Mr. Miller’s

Place where you’d love to travel: Bahamas

Talent you’d like to have: a superpower

Favorite school subject: Physics

Favorite athlete: Ryan Perdue

Favorite team: Cleveland Cavaliers

Something in the world I’d like to change: Texas Roadhouse only giving one basket of cinnamon butter with rolls instead of two.

Favorite sports moment: having more school records than Jake and Charlie Bertemes combined.

Favorite junk food: Chocolate chip muffins

Best thing about your favorite sport: getting to compete