6 Wittenberg staff, faculty to be honored by regional higher education council

Six Wittenberg University staff and faculty members will be honored as Excellence Award recipients throughout the next year.

The Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) will honor 71 recipients from across 22 member institutions through 2022, according to a release from the school.

The Wittenberg SOCHE Excellence Award honorees include: Stephanie Eveland Parrott, visiting professor of chemistry; Cherie Rebar, professor of nursing; Cynthia Richards, Veler Endowed Chair in English; Carol Nickoson, senior assistant director of human resources; Joi Garrett Scales, associate director, career operations and student employment; and Michell Wilke, campus visit coordinator, Office of Admission.

Each winner will be highlighted each month on SOCHE’s social media channels and on the SOCHE Excellence Awards webpage. Parrott will be featured this month, Nickoson will be featured in April, Rebar will be featured in June, Richards will be featured in July, Scales will be featured in September, and Wilke will be featured in November.

Academic and human resources officers at each of SOCHE member institution submitted faculty and staff members who demonstrated excellence in teaching, service, scholarship and assessment throughout 2021, the release stated.

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