We’ll produce a weekly roundup of staff-written stories about local impacts from these policy changes, as well as wire stories from our content partners the Associated Press, the New York Times and other nationally acclaimed reporting outlets that are tracking the major federal policy changes each week. You can find the weekly roundup online at daytondailynews.com, springfieldnewssun.com and journal-news.com and on Fridays, and in print inside on Sundays. This roundup is meant to be brief and to the point — so you can get a sense of the big picture while having the option to go deeper on topics that interest you.
If you have story ideas or questions, you’re welcome to email me at ashley.bethard@coxinc.com. If you’re interested in submitting a letter to the editor or an Ideas and Voices column, you can reach out to edletter@coxinc.com. Thank you for reading.
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