WASSO Kitchens Tour in Springfield to feature healthy theme

Contact this contributing writer at bturner004@woh.rr.com.

How to go

What: 10th WASSO Kitchens Tour

Where: Various homes in Springfield

When: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 30

Admission: $15 presale and $20 day of tour

More info: 937-325-8100 or go to www.springfieldsym.com

A spring tradition alongside blooming trees and colored eggs comes out of area kitchens and marks a decade in 2016.

What’s cooking in Springfield’s kitchens this spring? Healthy Lifestyles is the theme for the 10th annual Women’s Association of the Springfield Symphony Orchestra (WASSO) Kitchens Tour.

Taking inspiration from a local movement, healthy fare is on the menu when the event returns 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at five north Springfield homes.

Featured kitchens will include those of Tom and Kellee Markwell, 1926 N. Fountain Blvd.; Sunny and Seema Dhingra, 2760 Kilkenny Drive; Ruth Fischer, 2412 Home Orchard Drive; Ted and Amy Sothard, 107 S. Broadmoor Blvd.; and Lagonda Creek Real Estate, 250 Roscommon Drive.

An interactive map of the tour's homes is available at www.springfieldsym.org/kitchens.html.

Event chairwoman Marcia Flax said homes on the tour are usually suggested by word of mouth from the community. The signature theme came from a different source.

“We were brainstorming and noticed stories about Healthy Springfield in the newspaper was something implemented in our community, and we wanted to be a part of that,” Flax said.

Featured foods will include items from local vendors such turkey sub sandwiches, fruits and popcorn.

The kitchen tour, one of three WASSO annual fundraisers, is popular with people who want to see beautiful homes to pick up ideas on remodeling.

The other fundraisers include a garden tour in July and holiday tour in December. Funds raised go toward Symphony programs.

A new feature will be a raffle for various items at the tour’s Roscommon Drive stop. These will include a massage, a six-month membership to Curves, manicure and gift baskets.

Raffle tickets cost $1 each. The drawing will be at 3:30 p.m. and entrants do not have to be present to win.

“It’s always a way to see the beautiful homes of our community and to support the performing arts of Springfield,” Flax said.

Advance tickets cost $15 each and are available online with PayPal at the Symphony's website, at www.springfieldsym.org/index.html, or in Springfield at the Symphony office, Katie's Hallmark, Schneider's Florist, Netts Floral, Frame Haven, Heart of Country and Curves West.

Tickets are also available in Urbana at Bill’s Enchanted Florist and at a new location in South Charleston, The Village Hair Designs and Spa.

Tickets may also be purchased the day of the tour at any homes on the tour for $20.

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