Andrew Q. Harris, 43, of 3480 Sandalwood Ave., domestic violence, innocent, dismissed.
Kayla M. Harrop, 32, of 3945 Rocky Point Road, criminal damaging, innocent, continued, declines public defender, no contact condition of bond, released on own recognizance bond.
Katayvon J. Lane, 25, of 1120 E. John St., Apt. 34, theft, innocent, continued, declines public defender, no contact condition of bond, released on own recognizance bond.
Jasen Williams, 47, of Dayton, guilty.
Tyler M. Bland, 22, of Fairborn, OVI, continued, speed for conditions, dismissed, open container/vehicle, dismissed.
Jafonta M. Edwards, 33, of 712 Broadway, OVI, continued, failure to drive on right, dismissed.
Alejandro Mendez, 31, of 139 Wilson Ave., OVI, bench warrant ordered.
Adelzon P. Guox, 29, of 303 Johnson Ave., OVI, bench warrant ordered, OVI, bench warrant ordered, failure to yield/red light, bench warrant ordered, open container/vehicle, bench warrant ordered, no seat belt, bench warrant ordered.
Krista K. Sisler, 40, of 301 N. Greenmount Ave., burglary, continued, bond remains $5000 community service/10%.
Heather R. Bealer, 42, of South Charleston, pass bad check, bench warrant ordered, pass bad check, bench warrant ordered, pass bad check, bench warrant ordered.
Jessica F. Buchanan, 42, of New Carlisle, resisting arrest, bench warrant ordered.
Shanda Y. Cason, 32, of 1716 N. Sweetbriar Lane, criminal damaging, dismissed.
Ernest K. Henry, 53, of 1822 Allison Ave., OVI, dismissed, driving under suspension OVI suspension, dismissed.
Shawn Hicks, 36, of West Carrolton, theft, dismissed.
Marcus L. Jeter, 52, of Columbus, aggravated menacing, continued, bond remains $1500 community service/10%.
Michael A. Leinasars, 32, of 335 Fair St., OVI, dismissed - prosecutor request, OVI/refusal, dismissed - prosecutor request, tinted glass, dismissed - prosecutor request, no seat belt, dismissed - prosecutor request.
Theodore T. Ruhe, 24, of 1257 Kenwood Ave., criminal damaging, continued, bond remains $2000 community service/10%, menacing, continued, bond remains $1000 community service/10%.