Clark County Municipal Court cases

Cases called included:

Peter Camp, 35, of 356 Raffensperger Ave., strangulation, innocent, continued, public defender appointed, no contact, bond $1,000.

Robert W. Durst Jr., 47, of 413 N. Yellow Springs, criminal trespass, innocent, continued, public defender appointed.

Samuel Keller, 31, of 422 N. Burnett Road, assault, innocent, continued, public defender appointed.

Wendell N. Phillips, 23, of 23 W. McCreight Ave., Apt. LR, strangulation, innocent, continued, public defender appointed, no contact, bond $1,000.

Steven C. Bailey Jr., 33, of New Carlisle, interfere with custody, guilty, 60 days of jail, 60days jail credit served suspended balance, no contact with victim for 6 months, fine and costs due by 4/28/25 at 9 a.m., fined $200.

D’Arcy E. Carter, 25, of New Carlisle, criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered.

Xanaya M. Dubose, 19, of Dayton, underage OVI, guilty, 90 days of driver’s license suspension, 30 days to pay fine and costs, fined $200.

Isabelle R. Johnson, 19, of 417 1/2 Willard Ave., kidnapping, continued, bond amended to $5000 community service, disrupting public service, continued, assault, continued, bond changed to “or”.

Jerome Powell, 19, of 1490 S. Burnett Road, assault, guilty, 30 days of jail with 30 days suspended, law abide 6 months no contact with Sunoco Main St. 1 year, fine and costs due by 2/28/25 at 9 a.m., fined $200.

Leslie D. Swallows, 55, of Kettering, theft, continued, bond remains $2500 community service.

Nicholas L. Williams, 27, of 3410 Saint Paris Pike, child endangering, continued, public defender appointed.

Lazano L. Chavez, 34, of 25 E. Madison Ave., resisting arrest, bench warrant ordered, obstructing official business, bench warrant ordered, unlawful restitution, bench warrant ordered.

Deborah R. Elliott, 60, of South Charleston, OVI, dismissed, physical control, guilty, 90 days of jail with 90 days suspended, susp on successful completion of review status, fined $250.

Sultan S. Mays Jr., 19, of 714 Stanton Ave., OVI, bench warrant ordered, underage OVI, bench warrant ordered, no operator’s license, bench warrant ordered, stop sign, bench warrant ordered.

Erica J. Williams, 26, of South Charleston, child endangering, continued, public defender appointed.

Jerome K. Brandon, 22, of 225 Rosewood Ave., theft, dismissed, criminal trespass, guilty, 180 days of jail, 12 months of probation, costs suspended as defendant is indigent, the court will consider early release if the, defendant is released on the pending felony at, which time the defendant may be assessed for, treatment. probation will commence when released, from jail. restitution will be a condition of, the suspended sentence..

Jeremy H. Carmichael, 38, of 948 Sunset Ave., obstructing official business, bench warrant ordered.

Egbert Hall, 45, of 2071 N. Bechtle Ave., aggravated menacing, dismissed - prosecutor request, domestic violence, dismissed - prosecutor request.

Bailey L. Hutchinson, 26, of 5110 Troy Road, theft, dismissed.

Isabelle R. Johnson, 19, of 417 1/2 Willard Ave., kidnapping, continued, bond amended to $5000 community service, disrupting public service, continued, assault, continued, bond changed to “or”.

James E. Payne III, 44, of Xenia, OVI, guilty, 10 days of jail with 7 days suspended, 3 days credit for time served, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, fine/costs to be paid by May 27, 2025 at 8:45 a.m., defendant shall not appear if paid in full, fined $375, speed, dismissed.

Leslie D. Swallows, 55, of Kettering, theft, continued, bond remains $2500 community service.

Paul T. Armstrong, 50, of 116 1/2 E. McCreight, domestic violence, bench warrant ordered.

Jayonna Gatewood, 19, of 1945 Primm Dr., Apt. F, domestic violence amended to disorderly, guilty, 10 days of jail with 10 days suspended, law abide 6months, fine and costs due by 2/25/2025, fined $100.

Jennica Smith, 18, of Yellow Springs, temporary permit, guilty, fine and costs due by 3/24/2025 9am, fined $100, failure to control, guilty.

Jazmine D. Bowers, 20, of 1314 Delta Road, theft, bench warrant ordered.

Cindy Fugate, 52, of 2125 S. Tecumseh Road Lot 149, child endangering, dismissed.

Shelby L. Johnson, 21, of South Charleston, domestic violence, dismissed, assault, dismissed.

Stephanie Murray, 29, of 1320 Delta Road, Apt. D, theft, bench warrant ordered.

Cassondra A. Alley, 34, of 1201 S. Fountain Ave., theft, guilty, 180 days of jail with 180 days suspended, 12 months of probation, fine/costs due no less than 30 days before end, of probation., fined $60.

John A. Diehl, 47, of Yellow Springs, OVI, guilty, 180 days of jail, 6 days credit for time served, 12 months of probation, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, administrative license suspension terminated without fee, probation to commence upon jail release, may be assessed for early release after assessment, fined $375, no motorcycle endorsement, dismissed, display of license plates, dismissed.

Dennis R. Gibson Jr., 62, of 21 Sever St., resisting arrest amended to disorderly conduct, guilty, 20 days of jail with 20 days suspended, susp jail 1 year law abiding, fined $175, criminal trespass, dismissed.

Ryan D. Hookfin, 58, reckless operation, dismissed.

Spencer D. Hope, 26, of 519 S. Arlington Ave., obstruct official business, guilty, 45 days of jail with 45 days suspended, 6 months of probation, fine/costs due before end of probation, fined $345.

Spencer D. Hope, 26, of 519 S. Arlington Ave., OVI, dismissed.