Clark County Municipal Court cases

Cases called included:

Willquaun J. Bratton, 22, of 1208 Harrison St., OVI amended to physical control, guilty, guilty, 30 days of jail with 27 days suspended, credit for time served, 5 months of driver’s license suspension, 1 year law abide, administrative license suspension termed without fee, fine and costs due within 3 months, assessed costs $375, OVI, innocent, dismissed, temp permit violation, innocent, dismissed, speed, innocent, dismissed.

Kyle A. Felts, 41, of South Solon, OVI, guilty, guilty, 12 months of probation, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, probation is ISP, administrative license suspension terminated without fee, probation to commence upon defendant’s release from, jail. court will consider early release for, treatment if assessed as appropriate, assessed costs $375, driving under suspension, innocent, dismissed.

Andrew Garcia, 38, of 1230 Highland Ave., strangulation, continued, must provide address, no contact with victim, public defender appointed, bond $10,000.

William Givens, 53, of 329 N. Race St., request for bail, continued, bond set 2,500 community service/10% with $64.00 state fee, bond $2,500.

Aaron J. Hunt, 36, criminal trespass, bench warrant ordered, bond $1,500.

D’Tonio Meadows, 20, of New Carlisle, disorderly conduct, bench warrant ordered, bond $1,500.

Jerome Powell, 19, of 1490 S. Burnett Road, assault, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500.

Miles N. Singleton, 40, of 738 Montgomery Ave., theft, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500.

Aremi A. Vazquez, 39, of 425 Gruen Dr., driving under suspension OVI suspension, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500, headlight violation, bench warrant ordered.

Paul E. Brown, 41, of 901 Dahlia Dr. W, theft, continued, bond remains $1,000 community service/10%.

Myra D. Howard, 40, of 1419 Noel Dr., OVI, dismissed, marked lanes, dismissed.

Shawn Q. Adams, 40, of 432 Lyle Ave., public indecency, guilty, 30 days of jail, fined $250.

Stephanie M. Atchison, 29, of 1320 Delta Road, Apt. D, complicity, bench warrant ordered.

Dyron Flack, 25, of 1912 W. Washington St., criminal damaging amended to disorderly conduct, guilty, 25 days of jail.

Michael A. Moore, 40, of Dayton, obstructing official business amended to disorderly conduct, guilty, 25 days of jail, 22 days credit for time served, use and possession of drug paraphernalia, dismissed.

William W. Rice, 29, of 402 S. Western Ave., criminal trespass, dismissed.

Samuel J. Ryman, 44, of Urbana, OVI, dismissed, OVI/refusal, dismissed, driving under suspension, dismissed, failure to control, dismissed, open container/vehicle, dismissed.

Michael Schielke, 19, of 3686 S. Charleston Pike, aggravated trespass, dismissed - prosecutor request.

Joseph L. Carter, 52, of 2227 Rutland Ave., OVI amended to physical control, guilty, 10 days of jail with 7 days suspended, 3 days credit for time served, 6 months of driver’s license suspension, administrative license suspension terminated without fee, fine/costs due by May 6, 2025, defendant shall not appear if paid in full, fined $375.

Brittany L. Porter, 33, of 1020 N. Limestone St., fugitive, dismissed.

James Scott, 29, of 1586 Regent Ave., OVI, bench warrant ordered, Dr. without valid license, bench warrant ordered, fail to register, bench warrant ordered.

Shannon M. Spencer, 29, of 6045 Springfield-Xenia Road, Apt. 1, domestic violence, dismissed, assault, dismissed.

Shannon M. Spencer, 29, of 6045 Springfield Xenia Road, Apt. 1, domestic violence, dismissed, assault, dismissed.