Amia Howard, 28, of Dayton, OVI, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500, marked lanes, bench warrant ordered.
Hayden Mcdaniel, 21, of New Carlisle, OVI, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500, OVI, bench warrant ordered, one way, bench warrant ordered.
Kim S. Perez, 51, of 211 N. Light St., carry concealed weapon, innocent, continued, public defender appointed, released on own recognizance bond.
David N. St. John, 56, of 220 Montgomery Ave. Apt, OVI, bench warrant ordered, bond $2,500, drive without valid license, bench warrant ordered, speed for conditions, bench warrant ordered, no seat belt, bench warrant ordered.
Steven C. Stacey, 47, of New Carlisle, theft, innocent, continued, public defender appointed, released on own recognizance bond.
Jean S. Andre, 33, of 253 S. Plum St., driving under suspension OVI suspension amended to driving under suspension, guilty, 10 days of jail with 10 days suspended, 8 months of driver’s license suspension, 1 year law abide, fine and costs due within 1 year, fined $250.
Tavion L. Compton, 18, of 1563 S. Center St., tamper with evidence, dismissed, carrying concealed weapon, dismissed, possess dangerous ord., dismissed, illegal conveyance/weapon in school zone, dismissed.
Kerry Crowley Sr., 45, of 421 W. Liberty St., obstructing official business, bench warrant ordered, resisting arrest, bench warrant ordered.
Paul E. Dewell, 35, of 1730 N. Sweetbriar Lane, domestic violence, dismissed, assault, dismissed, criminal trespass, dismissed.
Shawn E. Freeman, 50, of 1453 W. Clark St., OVI, bench warrant ordered, driving under suspension, bench warrant ordered, speed, bench warrant ordered.
Ian Johnson, 30, of 6025 Knollwood Ave., obstructing official business, bench warrant ordered, failure to disclose own personal information info, bench warrant ordered.
Ian Johnson, 30, of 6025 Knollwood Ave., theft, bench warrant ordered, assault, bench warrant ordered.
Jeffrey A. Karns, 39, of Fairborn, menacing, guilty, 30 days of jail with 29 days suspended, jail stayed until 2/14/2025 8:30 a.m., 1 year law abide/no contact with victim, report for jail on 2/14/2025 at 8:30, fine and costs due within 30 days, fined $100.
Cleophia G. Perkins, 52, of 1000 Beacon St., domestic violence, continued, DNQ public defender, no contact condition of bond.
Jason W. Powley, 43, of 1577 Morgan St., criminal damaging, bench warrant ordered.
Dylan Steiner, 26, of 912 Park Ave., domestic violence, bench warrant ordered, violate/protection order, bench warrant ordered, violate/protection order, bench warrant ordered.
Misael Z. Ventura, 25, of 374 S. Belmont Ave., domestic violence, bench warrant ordered, assault, bench warrant ordered, child endangering, bench warrant ordered.
Cassandra W. Watts, 24, of 777 Farlow St., robbery, dismissed, strangulation, dismissed.
Zykel A. S. Edwards, 23, abduction, dismissed, disrupting public service, dismissed.
Louis R. Gibson, 36, of 1464 W. Clark St., flee/elude police officer, dismissed.
Craig Gilbreath, 50, request for bail, continued, no bond, deft signed waiver.
Nathan Mchenry, 29, of Columbus, request for bail, continued, no bond, waiver signed.
Gary Pierre, 52, of 1131 Sunset Ave., assault, dismissed.
Richard C. Rogers, 44, of 1610 S. Limestone St., robbery, dismissed.
Randy S. Lee, 31, theft, dismissed.
James R. Sprinkle, 40, of 2730 Hilldale Road, OVI, continued, no bond.
Kaleb A. Clem, 26, of 601 S. York St., aggravated menacing, guilty, 180 days of jail, 180 days concurrent with 24cr0865, fined $250, assault, guilty, 180 days of jail, 180 days concurrent w/24cr0865, fined $100.
Nathan P. Fletcher Jr., 44, of 805 E. Northern Ave., OVI, continued, OVI, dismissed, speed, dismissed, trans. registration, dismissed.
Parker S. Hall, 18, of 1501 Garfield Ave., carrying concealed weapon, dismissed, illegal conveyance/weapon in school zone, dismissed.
Trent A. Jenkins, 43, of 1729 Troy Road, theft, guilty, 180 days of jail with 180 days suspended, 12 months of probation, fined $215, theft, dismissed, criminal damaging, guilty, 180 days of jail with 180 days suspended, fined $100.
Stephanie Murray, 29, of 1320 Delta Road, Apt. D, theft, guilty, 180 days of jail, 12 months of probation, assess for ISP, probation commences upon release from jail, court may consider early release for treatment, fined $40.
Tecko B. Peterson, 47, of 1716 Salem Ave., burglary, dismissed.
Ashlee M. Reeder, 38, theft, dismissed - indicted by the grand jury.
Richard C. Rogers, 44, of 1610 S. Fountain Ave., flee/elude police officer, dismissed - indicted by the grand jury.