Michelle L. Brickman, 41, of 1219 Albermrle Road, theft, innocent, continued, no bond return case to VJW.
Michelle L. Brickman, 41, of 816 Montgomery Ave., complicity, continued, no contact with Oh Ooh Drive Thru W. First St., public defender appointed, bond $25,000.
Michelle L. Brickman, 41, of 1219 Albemrle Road, theft, innocent, continued, no bond return case to VJW.
Prem Chandra, 68, of 1712 Northgate Road, theft, innocent, continued, public defender appointed, no contact with Meijer in Springfield, released on own recognizance bond.
Jamie D. Mccoy, 47, of 1343 Cedarview Dr. E, theft, innocent, continued, waiver of attorney request for PT and waiver of time, not to be on Walmart (Bechtle Ave.) property, released on own recognizance bond.
Jordan Sanchez, 22, of Orlando, FL, fugitive, continued, waiver of extradition signed, public defender appointed, no bond holder out of Pennsylvania.
Anthony Senter, 37, of 507 E. Grand Ave., warrant served defendant jailed, guilty, released on own recognizance bond.
Eliot L. West, 68, of 1708 Salem Ave., strangulation, innocent, continued, refused public defender, no contact with victim, bond $10,000.
Terrence K. Butts, 35, of Spring Valley, violate/protection order, continued, bond changed to or, violate/protection order, continued, bond changed to or, menacing by stalking, continued, bond remains $5,000 community service/10%, violate/protection order, continued, bond changed to or, violate/protection order, continued, bond changed to or.
Joshua T. Ory IV, 37, of 401 E. Northern Ave., aggravated trespass, continued, bond amended to 25,000 community service.
Andre L. Phifer, 28, of 18 W. Clark St., burglary, dismissed.
Buffee L. Reigelsperger, 48, of 625 Old Mill Road, attempt, bench warrant ordered, no bond.
Richard Copland, 57, of 304 Northfield Blvd., OVI, dismissed, turn and stop signal, dismissed.
Mandy D. Ellis, 41, of London, OVI, bench warrant ordered.
Baylen O. Fritzsche, 21, of New Carlisle, OVI, guilty, 180 days of jail with 177 days suspended, 3 days credit for time served, 12 months of driver’s license suspension, fine/costs due by Feb. 26, 2025, defendant shall not appear if paid in full, fined $375, failure to control, dismissed.
Jovan D. Harris, 32, of 450 Highview, weapons while intoxicated, bench warrant ordered, discharge of firearms, bench warrant ordered.
Rudolph Hoefer, 37, of 2980 Selma Road, driving under suspension, guilty, 30 days of jail, 30 days jail, credit for time served, susp balance, to be released today, review for payment and no new offenses 12/17/25, fined $100, operate without valid operator license, dismissed.
Kyra D. Hunley, 28, of 726 Garfield St., Apt. A, theft, guilty, 10 days of jail with 10 days suspended, no offenses for 1 year and payment of fine/costs, by review date (1/13/26) as condition of suspended sentence, defendant must appear at review date, fined $250.
Taheed N. Moore, 24, of 1637 Woodward Ave., driving under suspension OVI suspension, bench warrant ordered, driving under suspension OVI suspension, bench warrant ordered, drive without valid license, bench warrant ordered, failure to control, bench warrant ordered, no seat belt, bench warrant ordered.
Theodore S. Sothard, 52, of 107 S. Broadmoor Blvd, OVI, dismissed, failure to yield/red light, dismissed.
Cole Sowards, 36, of 5448 Ridgewood Dr. E, fugitive, dismissed.
Rodene Vil, 28, of Dayton, criminal damaging, dismissed, domestic violence, dismissed, assault, dismissed.
Reginald Winfield, 31, of 526 N. Murray, Apt. 201, assault, dismissed, menacing, guilty, credit time served.
Kami Yakup, 29, of Dayton, OVI, dismissed, driving under suspension, guilty, 10 days of jail with 10 days suspended, jail suspended on condition compliance with all orders, fine/costs due by Jan. 13, 2026, no same or similar for 1 year, fined $340, slow speed, dismissed.