25CV0197: Heather L. Vermillion v. Pamela Littlejohn, Treasurer Clark County Ohio, Shelby Vermillion, Wesbanco Bank, Inc., complaint in partition.
All cases are up-to-date.
Marriage licenses:
Hannah L. Harwell, 30, of Dayton, security manager and John A. Crutchfield, 40, of South Charleston, engineer.
Ethan C. Cochran, 33, of Springfield, construction and Chelsea K. Jenkins, 36, of Springfield, constant care.
Jason M. Donnaker, 20, of Springfield, house remodeling and Kennedy I. Stonecipher, 18, of Springfield, stay at home mom.
Homerson Adeclat, 27, of Springfield, warehouse worker and Douly Faustin, 28, of Springfield, warehouse worker.
Property transfers, also called real estate transactions, have moved to the Sunday HomesPlus section of the Springfield News-Sun.