Clark County Common Pleas Court cases

Current cases:

25CV0121: Cincinnati Insurance Company, Gary Durst, Garlind, LLC v. Charlie Arnold, action for money.

25CV0122: A.T., a minor, by and through her Natural Father and Mother and Legal Guardians, Cody Toms and Amber Toms, Amber Toms, Individually and as Natural Mother and Legal Guardian of A.T., a minor v. Deborah Harris, Virgil Harris, Deborah Hartman, Ohio Department of Medicaid, personal injury.

All cases are up-to-date.

Marriage licenses:

Brandon A. Horn, 42, of Medway, butcher copeys and Amie A. Charles, 42, of Medway, homemaker.

Bridgette R. Overholser, 28, of Springfield, self employed and Dontae L. Back, 27, of Springfield, self employed.

Jennifer L. A. Fahl, 22, of Springfield, none and Thomas A. Malone, 24, of Springfield, none.

Curtnisha M. Smith, 32, of Springfield, Amazon and Jean M. Duplessy, 43, of Springfield, Amazon.

Cristian G. Roblero Bravo, 22, of Springfield, construction and Patricia Chilil Velazquez, 21, of Springfield, domestic.

Property transfers, also called real estate transactions, have moved to the Sunday HomesPlus section of the Springfield News-Sun.