25CV0211: Lightning Rod Mutual Insurance Company v. Mark Edward Fairchild, personal injury.
All cases are up-to-date.
Marriage licenses:
Emily C. Rizzo, 27, of Covington, KY, medical laboratory science and Edward C. Baker, 29, of Covington, KY, medical laboratory science.
Roy A. Larkins, 31, of Springfield, team lead and Stephanie M. Lynch, 26, of Springfield, waitress.
Kaitlyn Jo Holder, 30, of New Carlisle, associate of Crocs and Garrett A. Copsey, 27, of Clarksville, HR coordinator/Kronos.
Emma R. Lischerelli, 21, of Springfield, bank teller and Samuel A. Waugh, 21, of South Vienna, factory worker.
Property transfers, also called real estate transactions, have moved to the Sunday HomesPlus section of the Springfield News-Sun.