Clark County Common Pleas Court cases

Current cases:

25CV0254: Gina M. Piacentino, ADMINISTRATOR v. William J. Brock, John Doe #1, Male whose voice was recorded by the police when he called Defendant Brock, John Does #2-5, individuals who conspired with John Doe #1 to commit fraud, Names and Addresses Unknown to Plaintiff, wrongful death.

All cases are up-to-date.

Marriage licenses:

Wyatt T. Geesaman, 24, of Dayton, KY, sales and Hallie R. Wilt, 25, of Dayton, KY, compliance director.

Dearion D. J. Channels, 23, of Springfield, Amazon and Kerline Saincy, 29, of Springfield, warehouse worker.

David R. Danku, 59, of South Charleston, in-home sales and Lori L. Huggins, 63, of South Charleston, sales.

Jose A. Sanchez Ramirez, 31, of Springfield, landscape and Fabiola Roblero Ramirez, 30, of Springfield, none.

Cole D. Draper, 34, of Springfield, detention supervisor and Bethany N. Moehn, 30, of Springfield, appraisal admin.

Jonathan K. Angell, 21, of Springfield, student and Natalie G. Parrett, 21, of Springfield, physical therapy assist.

Danielle E. Baltrusch, 27, of Springfield, warehouse worker and Dean R. Brelje, 25, of Springfield, warehouse worker.

Pierson R. Travis, 19, of Springfield, tree worker and Destinie R. Mingee, 21, of Springfield, N/A.

Property transfers, also called real estate transactions, have moved to the Sunday HomesPlus section of the Springfield News-Sun.