Cottrel: Don’t miss one of Clark County’s best fall festivals

Summer is over, at least that is what the calendar is telling us. However every time I walk out the door, I am tricked into thinking it is August all over again.

This is probably why fall events are sneaking up on me. Yesterday I came to my senses just in time to catch one of my favorite events as it was sneaking around the corner to get past me.

Don’t let this happen to you. Ignore the weather. Shuffle across the floor in your bare feet and look at your calendar. Now look at next weekend. Friday is Sept 29. Saturday is Sept 30. And, good grief, Sunday is Oct. 1.

That is right, it’s the beginning of October and you know what that means, especially if you live in New Carlisle.

Ready or not, the 13th annual Heritage of Flight Festival and Parade is this coming weekend. In fact this “Godzilla” of local festivals is only two days away. Two days!

“Looks like we are going to have perfect weather,” said Mike Lowrey, president of Heritage of Flight and mayor of New Carlisle.

Lowrey is excited that weather predictions are unusually good for the entire weekend, which means that all the scheduled events should be happening as planned. That’s good news.

The Friday night cruise-in will shine like the waxed finish on a ‘57 Ford and a huge turnout is anticipated. Previous records have seen 800 classic cars lining Main Street in New Carlisle. This is one of the largest cruise-ins in the state. Maybe the record will be broken this year.

Good weather will also make the parachute jump before the parade possible. Team FastTrax is scheduled to jump at 10:45 a.m. Saturday. Starting at 11 a.m., the Parade of Planes and Community Parade this year will include the Antioch Shrine Parade Units.

Another big turn out is expected for Saturday’s first annual Bike Show right after the parade. Motorcycles will be displayed on Main Street between the stoplight and Domino’s.

Of course the 5K Walk/Run on Saturday morning, the carnival rides, the Chicken Dance World Record Attempt at 1 p.m. Saturday, the chair races and kiddie pedal tractor pull on Sunday afternoon will all be more fun in perfect weather.

Visit for all the details and schedules. Or you can catch the festival news on Facebook. There seriously are too many things scheduled during this festival for one person to attend them all but it will be fun trying.

There is no admission charge for the festival and the prices of foods are reasonable. Come to this event hungry since there are so many yummy choices.

Remember, Heritage of Flight Festival is this weekend, Sept 29, 30 and Oct 1.

Mark your calendars, leave yourself notes and set your alarms.

Don’t let the Heritage of Flight Festival weekend sneak up on you.

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