In the real world there are potholes in the roads that we must avoid. Some day there will be rain that will go on too long, and there will be flooding that ruins homes and crops. And what if there is a tornado?
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We have to plan ahead for those bad days as we work toward the good.
Every place in this world has at least one natural disaster that could happen.
Think about it. We can possibly have our lives disrupted by tornadoes, blizzards, ice storms, flooding and who knows what else. A decade ago none of us could have predicted that Hurricane Ike could reach inland this far and take out electricity for days, but it did. Man-made disasters like electrical grid failure, nuclear reactor problems and hazardous spills can happen, too.
So since we know that disasters can happen, why don’t we prepare? We know that a bit of preparation can help us stay on top of a bad situation, but we keep putting it off.
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Knowing that those who prepare for disasters do better in the long run, Bethel Twp. Trustees Dave Phares, Nancy Brown, and Don Minton, have arranged for a proactive event on Saturday, April 1.
Titled “Don’t Be a Fool — Be Prepared,” the open house will be held at the Lion’s Den at Styer Park, 11200 Gerlaugh Road, from 10 a.m. to noon.
The goal is to help township residents and neighbors be more aware of things they can do now to prepare for disasters. The event is proactive, which means it will help folks anticipate how to handle problems instead of simply reacting to disasters.
“For the majority of people, disasters are not on their radar,” said Brown, who worries that in a crisis the government agencies may not be able to help as many people as quickly as they’d like.
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Emergency response equipment and personnel might be spread thin and not be able to help everyone.
“I don’t want that helpless feeling of wanting to help but not being able to,” she said. “It eats at me.”
Citizens who are prepared to take care of themselves at least for a short time, make it possible for emergency crews to concentrate their efforts on those who are in life threatening situations.
The more you can take care of yourself, she explained, the less stress there will be on emergency responders.
To support that goal, a variety of agencies will be at the Lion’s Den to help people set up a personal plan.
The Clark County Emergency Management Agency will be on hand to explain the importance of 72-hour kits. People who prepare such kits ahead of time should be able to go three days on their own. The EMA will explain what should go into the kits.
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The new Bethel Twp. deputy will be there to meet the public. Deputy Nick Anderson is replacing Deputy Cox who was recently promoted to major and assigned a different job in the department.
Family and Youth Initiatives will have information on gardening and registration forms to participate in the community garden.
The Clark County Combined Health District will have a presentation and have information on various subjects that will be helpful for emergency preparation.
The Bethel Twp. Fire Department will have fire engine and medic tours for the kids and will also have surveys to find out what type of training people in the area would appreciate. They will also have lunch available for a donation.
Those who bring in a non-perishable food item will receive a ticket for a prize drawing that includes weather radios, first aid kits and flashlights. Food donations will go to the Park Layne United Brethren in Christ food pantry.
Now this column is not meant to scare anyone. I hope that we will forever be free of disasters. However I feel that knowing that we can prepare for crisis situations will take care of some of our worries and help us sleep better.
As author Stephen King wrote, “There’s no harm in hoping for the best as long as you’re prepared for the worst.”
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